I look in the mirror every morning before I jump in the shower & mostly I look at what I see with despair sometimes even disgust .
I know it sounds awful ! But it’s the absolute truth.
Change for me is tough, but not making a change in this part of my life would be devastating .For two reasons.
1 Because having a toxic inner dialogue is exhausting & harmful
2 Because I have to be a mentor to my 2 little girls , who will 100 % follow by my example,so best I get on the change train and start shifting this mindset ...
HOW to make the change is the big question ??
I have done extensive research over the years (not knowing it was research for this blog)with the women in my life .
What do we all talk about ?
There are 3 biggies
What has always bothered me, is that there are tons of programs on how to change your body, how to get thinner, fitter , etc (I’m constantly trying to change my body)
But there is no program out there that teaches me to be ok with me as I am right now. How to love myself despite the few extra pounds sitting on my hips and belly ?
The truth is I’m forever trying to lose a kilo to sculpt that perfect body, but living in that perfect body every day forever is simply not going to happen for me. Why that is you ask ? why am I being so negative ?? …not negative people, REAL and healthier for ME
In order for me to have my idea of a perfect body, I have to eat 100 % perfectly 100% of the time, and exercise hard ! 100 % of the time 5 days a week.
Who the hell has the time for this or the will power?
A normal weekday in my life ...
Wake up 6am get my big girl ready for school, get myself ready to take one of my girls to school (my hubby and I alternate If I’m not with the one girl,I’m with the other)
Take one of my girls to school, work between fetching my girls, fetch my girls from school,take them to extra murals or bring them home to eat lunch. Try play with them a bit , eat lunch while doing homework. Run to the shops to get food. Make supper .Bath my girls. Make sure they have eaten supper ,put one or both of them to sleep.Work in between , try get a workout in here or there . Speak to my besties,sisters,mother,mother in law, father, husband in between somewhere . Try remember every sister, mother , husbands kids birthday, party, kids activity, friends problems, families problems, normal monthly admin . . .
Work out before 6am... no ways, I’m sleeping at 11/12 at night, those 6 hours are precious !!
Work out at night while kids are sleeping, no thanks too tired, too busy on my phone working or having an hour of time out , time to read ,watch an episode of something mind numbing. .
I can realistically fit a good work out in 2/3 times a week. Which leaves me with the issue, of wanting the perfect body, and not really having the time and energy to actually maintain it.
Which leaves me with two options:
Eat perfectly!(like, perfectly ,eeek) And exercise 3 times a week.
Eat perfectly? nope can’t manage that either. I want my chai latte and to eat my carrot cake too:)
That leaves me with this.
Eat well 70-80 %, train well 70-80 %. That leaves me with a 30% shortfall.
If the perfect body is 100% then im settling for 70% . in SA that's a B average in school guys, Im ok with a B, if I’m getting A+’s in other aspects of my life that are really fullfilling, like momming, marriage, relationships, and business that to me is the perfect balance!
So now that I have decided that I will be getting a solid B in the body department… how can I look at myself and feel true love and acceptance. Not easy for me I can tell you for sure. It’s much easier bullying myself then being kind.. why is that?
I have found that bullying myself gets me on track ,whips me into shape. Somehow telling myself I’m gross or disgusting is like the bullets of my loaded gun, my excess weight being the target.
Problem is I’m missing the bullseye because I’m holding a loaded gun, and I should be holding a watering can and a delicate flower .
This constant self shaming is really just a bad habit..the hardest I have ever needed to break.I’m so exhausted and bored listening to my own body shaming and the guilt I feel after eating anything that doesn’t fit into the perfect body eating plan. My people who love me are tired of it too.
If I look at the way I speak to and teach my children, my approach has always been one of nourishment, honesty, strength, nurture and kindness, which they respond well to..every single god damn time my beautiful friends!
If that approach works with my kids, why wouldn’t it work on me. . .
I know it would. But the idea of reaching my goal at bullet speed, is far more appealing then getting there starting off as a seed, growing gently, slowly and naturally.
Or maybe not..slow requires more patience, but is far more sustainable.
So Im selling my gun and going to the nursery.
I have come up with a few steps to try implement in my own life to grow love for myself I hope this helps you too.
Wake up with an encouraging message to yourself. Kick starting your day with a positive message to yourself will give you brilliant nourishing momentum for your entire day. Why not start your day with uplifting\ encouraging words. Positivity breeds positivity, trash breeds flies, you get the drift . Positive affirmations work.
Recite your encouraging words out loud or in your head lying in your bed before you get up in the morning, or while brushing your teeth or having a shower.
(put your fingers in the om position as an added extra while speaking to yourself, this helps with relaxation and finding your centre )
It may feel strange when you start out, but once you make it a habit, it becomes easy and enjoyable
Some suggestions:
I feel healthy and strong today
I am living my best life
I am patient and calm and looking forward to today
Today I choose happiness
Today I choose to nourish my body with delicious healthy food
I am manifesting my dream life
I am beautiful
I am strong
I am positive
I have enough time
Everything is working out for me
Every day and in every way I get better and better and better
I am joyful
I workout to strengthen my body and free my mind
I live a life of abundance
I do everything with intention
I spend time in nature
I am full of energy
I am loved. I am safe. I am here. (hand on heart)
I am relaxed
I breath
I am a wonderful mother, friend, wife, daughter, colleague, boss, partner
I am awesome!!
I love you, I am enough
Following celebrities and influencers is entertaining and mind numbing but really damaging your self esteem. That flawless skin, perfect body and glamorous life you’re drawn to is all filtered,unrealistic and not yours. Those accounts are making you question your real beautiful life and bringing you down
3. Eating mindfully. Before, during and after eating.
How often we eat a packet of crisps with our kids because they are just sitting there, and before you know it you’ve finished the entire packet without even realizing it.. a lack on consciousness
Eating every bite of food has to be done with intention and true consciousness…
1. Before eating or drinking anthing,be mindful of your stomach and body. Before eating or drinking anything ask yourself: Am I hungry? Am I thirsty? Do I feel bloated?AmI low in energy Etc.
4)Plan ahead. Meal planning. Taking stock of what you have in the fridge
You are starving, you go to your fridge and think to yourself..theres nothing to eatJ So you go straight for the easiest option. A packet of chips, a sandwhich, a fruit, a piece of cheese etc.
1. Planning your meals Monday to Friday a week ahead helpsyou to manage your time better. It reduces the amount of food waste. It reduces the stress of cooking last minute.Itsaves money.It avoids unhealthy options.It allows you to enjoy more variety. There is absolutely no downside !
( see our Pantry cleanse tips )
JB BALANCE weekly meal plan, plans your meals for you , the meals are delicious, easy and calorie conscious. The meal plans provide you with a meal plan for 5 days at a time breakfast lunch and supper and also provide you with the shopping list for that week. A once off payment of R150 /$7. NO SUBSCRIPTIONS NO HIDDEN COSTS. Just 1 meal plan for your family for 1 week.
5)Pantry and fridge cleanse.
5.Plan ahead. Exercise planning. Taking stock of what you have, your body and mind
1. If it’s not in writing it doesn’t exist.Get yourself a small journal to write down your goals. Big goals like “I want to run a marathon” are fantastic! But it’s the small daily goals that make the big goals possible.
Small daily goals aren’t intimidating and are actually achievable. Small goal:“today I’m going to walk 2kms’ and run 500 metres”
Big goal.. “I want a flat stomach by summer” small goal “ today Im going to do 50 crunches”.
If you write it down and date it, you can follow your progress and the big goals can become real, sooner thenyou think.
2. Choose your exercise program. Try mixing it up. Weights, yoga, walks, runs, cycling, hiking, tennis. The world is your oyster. There are millions of free videos online to follow.
Be specific in your exercise regime. If you want to tighten up that booty, then plan a glute session using weights. Want to run a half marathon? Schedule in a run and set km goals. Resistance training is a great way to see changes in your body.